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What is SkyCluster?#

SkyCluster is a research project focused on studying the deployment of containerized applications in multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud environments. The project’s goal is to simplify the deployment process by offering same interfaces as Kubernetes, but with enhanced capabilities to deploy applications across various hybrid and multi-cloud providers. By doing so, it aims to reduce deployment costs while meeting the application’s performance and compliance requirements.

To this end, we introduce the skycluster-manager as a custom Kubernetes controller designed to facilitate the deployment of Kubernetes resources in a multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud Kubernetes environment, specifically tailored for a given application.

The skycluster-manager operates within a management Kubernetes cluster. Users interact with this management cluster by submitting their application manifests, which include deployments, services, and config maps. The skycluster-manager then provisions a new multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud Kubernetes cluster and deploys the submitted application manifests into it.

Read the SkyCluster documentation to learn more about the project and how to use it.