Overlay Server Configuration#

In order to enable communication between services and resources across different providers, we utilize an overlay solution powered by Tailscale. In order to enable overlay functionality, you need to setup a control server. Since tailscale controller is a prioprietary service, we use Headscale, as an open source, self-hosted implementation of the tailscale control server. Please follow the instructions below to setup your headscale server and configure your skycluster to use it.

You can create a SkyVM instance within your desired provider and install headscale on it. Below is an example of YAML file you would need to create an instance:

 1apiVersion: xrds.skycluster.io/v1alpha1
 2kind: SkyVM
 4  name: skyvm-overlay-server
 5  namespace: skytest
 6  labels:
 7    skycluster.io/managed-by: skycluster
 9  forProvider:
10    assignPublicIp: false
11  providerRef:
12    providerName: aws
13    providerRegion: us-east-1
14    providerZone: use1-az1
16    # You need to open inbound tcp ports "443 80 22 8080"
17    # and inbound udp ports "3478 41641"

Once you have the VM running and ready, connect to it and then install headscale:

Within your overlay server:

export HEADSCALE_VERSION="0.24.2"
export HEADSCALE_ARCH="amd64"

# ensure you have sudo access, then
curl -s https://skycluster.io/configs/headscale-install.sh | bash

Alternatively you can manuallly install headscale using the script below:


 2# If env variables are not set, exit
 3if [ -z "$HEADSCALE_VERSION" ] || [ -z "$HEADSCALE_ARCH" ]; then
 4  echo "HEADSCALE_VERSION and HEADSCALE_ARCH must be set."
 5  exit 1
 8wget --output-document=/tmp/headscale.deb \
 9    "https://github.com/juanfont/headscale/releases/download/v${HEADSCALE_VERSION}/headscale_${HEADSCALE_VERSION}_linux_${HEADSCALE_ARCH}.deb"
10sudo dpkg -i /tmp/headscale.deb

After successful installation, you need to configure headscale. Try script below to generate a configuration file, tls certificates and then start the headscale server:

Within your overlay server:

export PUBLIC_IP=$(curl -s ifconfig.io)
curl -s https://skycluster.io/configs/headscale-cfg.sh | bash

Once done you should see a generated token along with a ca_certificate.crt. You will need to use the certificate and token to configure SkyCluster to allow providers to join the overlay network.

Copy the ca_certificate.crt file to your SkyCluster environment where you have access to kubectl, then export the following environment variables:

Within your SkyCluster environment:

# This is the public IP of you overlay server
export PORT="8080"

# You get the token from the previous step
export TOKEN="1bdff6711a9a49e...d6bd9b7c7dac4e"

# CA_CERTIFICATE should be the path to the ca_certificate.crt file
export CA_CERTIFICATE=$(PWD)/ca_certificate.crt

and then run the following command to create a secret containing this information:

Within your SkyCluster environment:

curl -s https://skycluster.io/configs/overlay-server-cfg.sh | bash

Alternatively you can just copy the script below and run it:


 3if [[ -z "$HOST" ]] || [[ -z "$TOKEN" ]] || [[ -z "$PORT" ]] || [[ -z $CA_CERTIFICATE ]]; then
 4  echo "HOST, TOKEN, PORT and CA_CERTIFICATE must be set."
 5  exit 1
 8cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
 9apiVersion: v1
10kind: Secret
12  namespace: skycluster
13  name: overlay-server-cfg
14  labels:
15    skycluster.io/managed-by: skycluster
16    skycluster.io/secret-type: overlay-server
17type: Opaque
19  config: |
20    {
21      "host": "https://$HOST",
22      "port": "$PORT",
23      "token": "$TOKEN",
24      "ca_cert": "$(cat $CA_CERTIFICATE | base64 -w0)"
25    }

You also need to join your SkyCluster to the overlay network:

Within your SkyCluster environment:

# First ensure the ca_certificate is installed
sudo cp ${CA_CERTIFICATE} /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
# Update CA certificates
sudo update-ca-certificates

# Then join the overlay network
# First ensure tailscale is installed
curl -fsSL https://tailscale.com/install.sh | sh

# Then join the netwotk
sudo tailscale up --login-server=https://${HOST}:${PORT} --auth-key=${TOKEN}

You can always check the status of the clients by running the following commands on your overlay server:

Within your overlay server:

sudo headscale status
sudo headscale nodes list

SkyCluster creates clients and will join them to the headscale server automatically.